Sustaining in a practical way the spiritual force of women (zomo newen) to protect our Mapuche territory in the south of Chile.
Our Lof Domingo Cayun Panicheo, located in the First and Second Corral of the Puelo River Valley in southern Chile, is a territory in which the zomo newen (women’s spiritual force) stands out and which we consider sacred. It is there that, as conscious women and creators of life, we propose to carry out this initiative that focuses on designing and building three spaces for work, celebration and mutual learning called ‘ruka taller‘. In these spaces we will carry out self-sustainable socioeconomic activities that will create a ‘biocultural circuit’ in the territory. This will allow us to offer better visibility to our Mapuche culture in the interaction between our local community and our visitors.
We want to strengthen the various ancestral crafts of the pu zomo (women) and thus contribute to the economy of the lof (community/ territory) through the design and construction of three ruka taller, where we will work from our worldview, based on the respect and care of the Ñuke Mapu (Mother Earth). Some of the activities that we will work on in the different ruka taller are:
Ruka taller “LAWEÑ” KIÑE MALAL (First Corral): in this space we will elaborate natural products related to ancestral medicine, such as creams, essences, soaps and balms, among others, together with beekeeping activities.
Ruka taller “TRAFKIÑ” EPU MALAL (Segundo Corral): this space is designed for the commercialization or trafkiñ (exchange) of products such as sweets, preserves, seeds, muday, weavings, looms, honey and lawenes, among other products made in our community.
Ruka taller “ÑEMIN”, PUELKO INALAFKQUEN (Segundo Corral): this space is designed for the transmission of ancestral knowledge of Mapuche weaving.
In the biocultural route between the three ruka taller we will carry out guided tours and horseback riding among different areas of our territory, contributing to revalue our ancient way of knowing and traveling through the territory itself. We will also create informative material focused on the awareness and protection of the itrofil mongen (biodiversity or all life without exception) in our territory. Due to the constant increase of tourism in the area, we are threatened by a series of invasive and extractive projects. It is also for this reason that, as a lof, we will work for the conservation, defence and resistance of our territory. Community work will help us to maintain ancient knowledge and sustain Mapuche peasant traditions. We value this initiative as a fundamental tool for the transmission and visibility of the Mapuche people’s struggles to respect and defend Mother Earth. Likewise, we will use it to strengthen relationships with sisters and brothers from other Mapuche communities, a fact of utmost importance for our lof. Finally, the realization of the ruka taller will contribute to the spiritual growth of our community, fostering a better balance with our sacred territory.