The Popular Committee of Bil’in : a peaceful exemplary struggle against “the wall” in Palestine
Bil’in is a Palestinian village that wants to continue to live… and because of that it has been fighting g hard to save its land, its olive trees, its resources and its freedom. By building its “separation wall”, the state of Israel has annexed approximately 60% of Bil’in’s land, suffocating the village, damaging it day by day and constraining its people in an open prison…
But for six years, the entire village has been leading a peaceful, exemplary struggle against the wall. To begin with, it created an organization to coordinate and direct the struggle: the Bilin Popular Comittee against the Wall. And then on, for six long years, every Friday the entire population of Bil’in has participated in a non-violent demonstration in front of the wall, accompanied by Israeli and international activists. In that, however, it surely faced ferocious repression. Every Friday, the Israeli army fired tear gas and rubber bullets (or worse) on the demonstrators guilty of shouting slogans and singing. This year two people have been killed and many more have been injured.
In parallel with the non-violent demonstrations, the People’s Committee conducted a struggle on the legal front, where it obtained some limited victory, such as a order for a minimal displacement of the wall. The youth of Bil’in are very united and participate in a variety of activities for the benefit of the whole village, such as cleaning public spaces. They also, however, take the front line on Friday’s events and demonstrations. And it is them who are most often injured and arrested….
Today, Bil’in is a national and international symbol of the peaceful resistance of Palestinians to the Israeli oppression. Other villages have followed its example, and carry out now the same kind of regular, non-violent, resistance activities.
Article Synopsis
In any given controversial international issue, such as the current heretofore unresolved knotty conundrum as the Palestine-Israel ‘One State-Two State’ impasse that, since 1948, has continued unabated. The reason being that it’s nigh all but impossible, in any meaningful way, for the truth to cut through the all but impregnable wall of the right-wing’s corporate, Christian-Jewish mainstream media’s morass of disinformation, misinformation lock on the print media and digital airwaves. This wall almost as impregnable as ‘The Wall’ that Israel physically has constructed between itself and the Palestinian world, making it nigh impossible to inter-relate as sovereign peoples in a sovereign land. Only the most brave and principled journalist or alternative press, such as the New Frontier Post and others, ever dare to challenge its ruthless hegemony with varying degrees of success.
Which is why, since 1948, the reality of the Israeli Government’s patently-obvious racist, apartheid conduct towards the survival of the Palestinian people and that of their former sovereign State of Palestine remains all but obfuscated to the point that, with the United States veto powers, neither the United Nations General Assembly or its Security Council has ever been able to bring itself to forthrightly address the crisis because of this on-going conspiracy between the American-Israeli Government’s and their political-military allies in the world. The same reality applies to the similar unaddressed, unresolved plight of so many other peoples of the world, indigenous peoples most particularly.
And so, during the current ceasefire in the Occupied Territories, the human world continues to careen through time and space all but out of control until some much-more dreaded Armageddon one day may yet happen. One might argue that the fate of the human race now depends on the once-and-for-all ultimate resolution of the Israeli-Palestine crisis. The world has now cast the die, that sooner or later, it must forthrightly deal with what has been revealed for all to see.
The piece ends with historically-relevant quotes by world-renowned writers, poets, philosophers and thinkers on the Israel-Palestinian conflict that includes: Isaac Asimov, Christopher Hitchens, Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali, Norman Finkelstein, Haruki Murakami, A.J. Deur, Avishai Margalit and Abhijit Nasskar.
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“Israel’s Apartheid Jackboot remains on the necks of Palestinian who still Can’t Breathe”
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