Dario Novellino: determination, intelligence and a sense of justice for indigenous peoples (Philippines and Italy)
Dario is one of those admirable people who dedicate their lives to a just cause. His one is the indigenous peoples’ struggle for self-determination on the Island of Palawan (The Philippines). Over the last twenty-five years, Dario’s effort to protect … Read more

The Maasai : building solidarity amongst clans to unify on land rights in northern Tanzania
Much of the poverty faced by the Maasai is underpinned by land access restrictions, arising from loss of land resulting from tourism initiatives, and the impact of conservation and commercial farming, both areas the national government has consistently supported. The … Read more

Strengthening pride in Khumbu, Nepal
The Sherpa indigenous people of the Mt. Everest region of Nepal—a customary territory called Khumbu — regard their high valleys as a sacred place they have the responsibility to conserve. Many Sherpa cultural leaders, however, are concerned that their territory … Read more

Solidarity and joint learning and action among indigenous communities resisting oil-palm monocultures in the islands of Palawan and Mindanao (The Philippines).
With this initiative the Foundation supports a search for mechanisms to give the stronger possible voice to indigenous communities affected (or potentially affected) by oil palm monocultures in Palawan and Mindanao—two main islands in the Philippines’ archipelago. The researcher/ activist … Read more

Other possible economies at the roots of other possible worlds, Colombia
The Process of the Black Communities (PCN) is a movement that articulates individuals and organizations— from the Caribbean coast, the Pacific and the valleys of the Cauca, Patia and Magdalena rivers— who work for the recognition and implementation of the … Read more

Strengthening Mapuche governance in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina
The Project “Strengthening Mapuche governance in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina” will take place in the Zonal Council of Lafkenche, part of the Mapuche Confederation of Neuquen. Its goal is to strengthen a group of community authorities (a “team of … Read more

Felipe Gomez: strengthening culture to defend collective rights and sacred sites in Guatemala
Felipe Gomez is a Mayan spiritual leader, who studied theology and has good understanding of different religions and worldviews that he uses to unite and empower traditional and spiritual leaders in communities across different cultures and linguistic barriers. Besides his … Read more

Norman Jiwan: indigenous activist to control palm oil expansion in Indonesia
Norman Jiwan, a Kerambai Dayak from West Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) is an NGO activist who works for the Indonesian NGO, SawitWatch, a watchdog group that tracks the palm oil industry in the region.
He acts as director of the research … Read more

Arjun Singh Nag: tribal lawyer defending the adivasi, customary law and nature (India)
Arjun Singh Nag, known as Nag-ji, is one of the first tribal lawyers of Bastar district in Central India. Nag ji hails from Jaitgiri, a small tribal village in Bastar; Bastar is a predominantly forested area and home to a … Read more

The Popular Committee of Bil’in : a peaceful exemplary struggle against “the wall” in Palestine
Bil’in is a Palestinian village that wants to continue to live… and because of that it has been fighting g hard to save its land, its olive trees, its resources and its freedom. By building its “separation wall”, the state … Read more